Erasmus+ & Turing Scheme UK

Visual Arts

Design and Illustration

Environmental and Farming

Here at Riba Rocks, we host diverse placement opportunities, designed to complement the educational experiences offered by partner organisations. Our placements provide hands-on learning experiences in art, design, and environmental stewardship, allowing our partners’ students to engage with real-world challenges and develop practical skills.




Our Erasmus+ and Turing Scheme UK Placements provide a unique opportunity for our partners’ students and recent graduates to immerse themselves in a world of creativity, sustainability, and community. Our placements offer a multidisciplinary journey into the world of art, culture, and sustainability. Your students will have the chance to work with local artists, experience new techniques, and create your own unique artwork. They will immerse themselves in the vibrant culture of Riba-roja d’Ebre, celebrating local traditions, interacting with the community, and exploring heritage sites.

They will experience the beauty of the natural world as our program includes a visit to the Sebes Nature Reserve as well as volunteering activities with the Grup de Natura Freixe, hikes in the mountains, and opportunities to engage with the environment. Sustainability is at the heart of our placements. Learning about low water consumption, zero waste, and other eco-conscious practices whilst creating art inspired by the environment. Participants will also have the opportunity to contribute to our Riu d’art Open Air Gallery, creating murals and sculptures that become part of the vibrant street art scene in Riba-roja d’Ebre.

Partner with us and offer your students a place on this journey of artistic expression and cultural exploration in the heart of Catalunya!

Your students will have the chance to:

Artistic Expression:
Work with local artists to create artwork.
Learn traditional and contemporary techniques.
Explore body casting, charcoal making, and more.

Cultural Immersion:
Celebrate local traditions and fiestas.
Visit cultural and heritage sites.
Engage with the community and experience the warmth of the people.

Environmental Engagement:
Understand the importance of sustainability.
Embrace eco-friendly practices and zero waste ethos.
Contribute to environmental conservation through art.

Community Impact:
Create art that becomes part of the Riu d’art Open Air Gallery.
Share work with the local community through exhibitions and events.

Our Erasmus+ and Turing Scheme UK Placements provide a holistic experience that fosters creativity, sustainability, and a deep connection to the local community.

To take part in a Riba Rocks Cultural Association residency on an Erasmus+ or Turing Scheme UK funded placement, please contact us on the form below.

Or email us

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